Saddlers, blacksmiths, dentists, vets and physiotherapists are part of a huge health and support system that contributes to the well being of your horse.
However nobody knows their animal as well as you do. You instinctively know if your horse is out of character and something is wrong.
Your natural instinct is to have your horses backs, teeth, feet and equipment checked for problems. But what if your horse is still “not right” after all these investigations?
There maybe something else that has been overlooked. Your horses feelings.
Horses have feelings too
If your horse is moved to a new stable and he is not use to his new environment it can worry them. Going on different transport, travelling long distances, or new arena’s can all cause stress.
If your horse has been abused or mistreated by previous owners healthcare and other professionals cannot help the emotional mindset of your animal to heal. Time can help but it can still leave mental scars. It is those scars that therapy helps.
Heal your horses body and mind
The results are astonishing. You can drastically reduce the healing time by using therapy. Instead of a long drawn out procedure you may see a difference in your horse after only 24 hrs. They will appear bright and calmer in themselves and possibly more confident.
Not only do the emotions heal quickly but physical problems such as lameness, swellings and cuts can heal in half the time.
Improve you and your horses performance
Therapy not only helps your horse, it can also help you. It helps you by giving you confidence in your horse and it’s performance. It helps you both focus calmly on what you want to achieve. It helps encourage on going improvements in performance in both you and your horse.
It’s a bit like having a sports psychology for both of you. It helps create a happy partnership that health professionals cannot provide.
How can you improve you and your horses performance?
3 drug-free ways you can help improve your riding experience.